A new documentary from the Tea Party Patriots will highlight the insecure border with Mexico, featuring interviews with Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL), Reps. Steve King (R-IA) and Louie Gohmert (R-TX) and scores of law enforcement officials who serve along the entire U.S. border with Mexico.

The documentary, titled “Border States of America,” is hosted by Nick Searcy–a star from the FX television series Justified where he plays a U.S. Marshal.

“Every day brings another example of the disastrous consequences of open borders and amnesty,” Tea Party Patriots president Jenny Beth Martin said in a statement about the documentary. “First, it was a humanitarian wave of crime and disease, now suspected terrorists are being apprehended with who knows how many slipping through; and of course there’s now the question of Ebola. Border States of America with Nick Searcy is a must-watch for those who care about the Republic’s security and sovereignty.”

In the statement, Searcy said that this is something that should concern every American.

“Every American who locks the house at night should care about this. The rest of you should keep your house open. Somebody might need something,” Searcy said.

It is set to premiere at the Landmark Theater in Los Angeles on Thursday at 5:30 p.m. PT.

The documentary, which Breitbart News was provided for an exclusive review and sneak peek ahead of its public release, takes viewers from one end of the border to the other–across all of Texas and Arizona. Local law enforcement officials, Border Patrol agents, sheriffs, citizen volunteers and ranchers all go on the record in the film to detail how the border crisis is not limited to just a few tens of thousands of illegal alien children from Central American countries.

“Who’s coming across that wide-open border?” Searcy says at one point in the film. “The current surge of illegal immigrants includes many people officials refer to collectively as OTMs, or people who are Other Than Mexicans. For those OTMs from Central American countries like Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras, it can be a 1700-mile journey to the U.S. border. A dangerous journey that can include a long train ride on what is called The Beast. Then miles of walking through miles of desert tundra where they may face predators, both human and animal; where poisonous snakes and spiders are more plentiful than cactus. Sexual abuse, other physical abuse, and even death are not uncommon real possibilities.”

The film shows the places where dead bodies are discovered–even showing a few dead bodies–and where rapes of illegal aliens who are being exploited by drug cartels purportedly take place.

There’s a heavy focus in the film on the connection between terrorism and illegal immigration.

“One fact that the politicians and news media aren’t telling the American people is is the fact that illegal immigrants from more than 75 countries have also been identified, including Syria, Albania, Yemen, China, Egypt, Pakistan, Somalia, even people from nations currently suffering from the world’s largest Ebola outbreak have been apprehended attempting to sneak across the wide open U.S. border,” Searcy says at another point in the film.

One local official from the border at one point held up an English to Urdu dictionary, saying it was dropped by a smuggler who was sneaking people purportedly from Afghanistan or Pakistan–where Urdu is spoken–into the U.S. illegally.

“Last year, during one of our border operations we identified a group of 10 coming out of a ranch on a known trail,” the official, Texas Border Volunteers co-founder Dr. Michael Vickers said as he held up the dictionary. “As they went over the fence one of them dropped this out of his pocket. This is an Urdu-English translation dictionary. Urdu is spoken in Afghanistan, and in Pakistan. It’s the national language of Pakistan. A lot of different phrases throughout this book circled and marked and no question this was a coyote who was communicating with some people from the Middle East and they got away.”

There’s also a focus on how Sessions says there’s not a need for increased immigration in the U.S., because there’s not a need for more workers as the American people are hurting economically.

“We don’t have a shortage of workers, we have a surplus of workers. We have a shortage of jobs,” Sessions says in the film. “It’s not in the national interest to bring in huge numbers of workers in a time when wages are falling and jobs are hard to get. And Peter Kirsanow who’s a member of the US Commission on Civil Rights, an African American, he has made clear in repeated articles that immigration as they’re planning it and they have proposed will hurt African Americans the most.”

“So the last thing we should be doing is doubling the number of people coming into the country to take jobs allowing us a lawful system of immigration to collapse,” Sessions adds.

Michael Cutler, a retired federal immigration agent who worked for INS–an agency that’s since been split into three: Border Patrol, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS)–says in the film that Americans can be “humanitarian” with how they deal with this, but the focus of the federal government’s solution needs to be aimed at helping “Americans first.”

“The rule of law coincides with being a humanitarian but understand that the humanitarian instincts have to care for Americans first,” he said. “We can’t take care of our own people if we keep driving down the wages and displacing American workers.”

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