Tom Cotton is out with a new ad highlighting national security threats and his military service.

“In the Middle East, radical terrorists are on the march, destabilizing our allies, beheading Americans, and crucifying Christians. President Obama admits he underestimated them,” Cotton says in the ad, titled “Decisions.” 

“President Obama admits he underestimated them,” he continues. “We need a Senator who will hold the President accountable and make America safer. I made tough decisions as an Army Ranger in Iraq. I’ll make them again as your Senator.”

Cotton is looking to unseat Sen. Mark Pryor (D-AR) and recent polls largely have Cotton with a slight lead

Monday, Stuart Rothenberg announced that the Rothenberg Political Report/Roll Call was moving the race from a “Toss-Up” to one that “Lean Republican.”

“[G]iven the national dynamics, Pryor’s recent stumble in answering a question on President Barack Obama’s handling of the Ebola crisis, and the weight of the polling data that we have seen, we remain deeply skeptical about Pryor’s prospects – so skeptical that we are moving the race to Lean Republican,” Rothenberg wrote Monday morning, adding that President Obama’s unpopularity will serve to aid Cotton in the final weeks of the race. 

Cotton debates Pryor Monday afternoon and Tuesday evening. 
