Conservative group Freedom Partners Action Fund is dropping a $6.5 million final ad buy in several U.S. Senate races across the country making the case that voting for Democrats is a vote for President Barack Obama.

The ads, which will run in Alaska, North Carolina, New Hampshire, Iowa, Colorado, and Arkansas, tell voters that voting for the Democrat candidate is like voting for Obama.

“There are many reasons Jeanne Shaheen hasn’t earned six more years,” a New Hampshire woman narrates on screen in that state’s ad. “She defends Obamacare when it put our doctors further out of reach. She votes for wasteful spending and more debt. Now she’s hiding from voters, avoiding town halls and accountability. But most importantly, a vote for Jeanne Shaheen is a vote for President Obama and his failed policies. We need an independent voice. On Nov. 4, vote Scott Brown.”

Iowa’s ad targeting Democratic Rep. Bruce Braley (D-IA) begins with a woman saying, “There are a lot of reasons Bruce Braley isn’t right for Iowa.”

“Braley didn’t show up for our veterans when they needed him,” the woman continues as text on screen informs voters that Braley skipped 75 percent of Veterans Affairs committee hearings in the House. “He mocked Sen. Chuck Grassley and insulted Iowa farmers, and he still defends his vote for Obamacare. But the most important reason? A vote for Bruce Braley is a vote for President Obama and his failed policies. On Nov. 4, let’s put Iowa first. Vote Joni Ernst.”

The North Carolina ad targeting Sen. Kay Hagan (D-NC) states: “There are many reasons Sen. Kay Hagan hasn’t earned six more years. Her family profited off her votes. She also voted for Obamacare and billions in wasteful spending. But the most important reason is a vote for Kay Hagan is a vote for President Obama and his failed agenda. On Nov. 4, let’s hold her accountable. Vote Thom Tillis.”

Alaska’s ad touting Republican Dan Sullivan and ripping incumbent Democratic Sen. Mark Begich (D-AK) starts with a woman saying, “There are many reasons why Sen. Mark Begich hasn’t earned six more years.”

“He voted for Obamacare,” an Alaska man jumps in.

“Still defends it,” the woman continues. “And he doesn’t show up to work for us.”

“This may be the most important vote that you ever make for Alaska and the country,” the man then says. “A vote for Mark Begich is a vote for President Obama and his failed policies.”

The woman and man then appear together multiple times back and forth in which they shift off saying different parts of this sentence: “On Nov. 4, let’s put Alaska first. Vote for Dan Sullivan.”

The Colorado ad shifts back and forth between two women to attack Sen. Mark Udall (D-CO) and tout Republican Rep. Cory Gardner (R-CO), the state’s GOP nominee.

The Arkansas ad makes the same case touting Rep. Tom Cotton (R-AR) over incumbent Democratic Sen. Mark Pryor (D-AR).

Freedom Partners Action Fund, a free market focused Super PAC, will have spent $25 million electing Republicans over Democrats by Nov. 4.

The decision to key in on Obama and Democrats comes as several Senate Democratic incumbents and Democratic candidates for open seats have worked to distance themselves from the president in a year where Obama says that while he’s not on the ballot, his policies are.

“No amount of political spin from Democrats and their allies can distract voters from these candidates’ failure to do their jobs,” Freedom Partners spokesman James Davis said in a statement announcing these ad buys, which are both digital online buys and television buys. “Voters feel a country spinning out of control and see a government that is not acting responsibly.” 

“The reminders are everywhere: the struggle to find a good paying job, healthcare uncertainty because of broken promises, tax dollars taken from their paychecks only to be wasted, special treatment for politicians and a failure of government to care for veterans,” he continued. “Election day is Americans’ opportunity to stand up and say ‘enough.’ A vote for these candidates is a vote for the same failed policies of President Obama and the same dysfunctional Washington of the last six years.”