President Barack Obama attended a private $32,400-a-seat Democratic National Committee fundraiser at the home of Sen. Jay Rockefeller (D-WV) on Thursday as news hit that Dr. Craig Spencer had been rushed to Bellevue Hospital in Manhattan and tested for Ebola–tests that proved positive

Obama’s attendance at Rockefeller’s $18 million palatial mansion marks the president’s 62nd presidential fundraiser this year. Media were barred from Obama’s one-percenter confab–the 28th such fundraiser wherein the “most transparent administration in history” blocked access to reporters. 

Dr. Spencer’s Ebola tests results mark the fourth Ebola case in America.

Before Spencer’s test results were in, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio told New Yorkers that, “Our understanding is that very few people were in direct contact with him.” 

However, according to the New York Times, the day before testing positive for Ebola, Spencer traveled from Manhattan to Brooklyn on the subway, went to a bowling alley, and rode a taxi home.

Spencer is believed to have contracted the deadly Ebola virus after working with Doctors Without Borders in Guinea treating Ebola patients. He arrived back in New York City Oct. 14–nine days before coming down with a 103-degree fever and testing positive for Ebola.

The New York Times says, “It was unclear if the city was trying to find people who might have come into contact with Dr. Spencer on the subway.”

The Obama White House has yet to issue a statement as to whether it will suspend all Democratic Party fundraising and campaigning in the wake of Ebola’s arrival in New York City.