Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush is urging Iowans to donate to his education group (that backs Common Core) and also support amnesty legislation.

“Dear Friend, Because of your consistent support for conservative principles, I want to talk to you about some of the most critical challenges facing our nation and the path to restoring opportunity for all Americans,” a letter from the potential 2016 presidential candidate reads

In the letter, Bush goes on to say that he is “gravely concerned about the direction of our country, the lack of leadership in Washington, and the economic stagnation we have suffered through for the past six years.” He slams the Obama administration on taxes, entitlements, regulations, Obamacare, and education before telling Iowans that Americans need to “embrace our immigrant heritage and finally fix our immigration system after first securing the border.”

Bush hypes his education reforms as governor of Florida and embraces school choice that would “put pressure on the system” and unions while empowering “parents to make choices for their children.” 

The letter asks Iowans to donate to his Excellence in Education National group, which is a companion group to his education foundation that strongly advocates for Common Core. 

As the Des Moines Register noted, “several Iowans” mentioned that “they’ve never received a thing from Bush or his foundation until now, so they detect some possible 2016 implications.”

As Breitbart News has noted, Iowa’s conservatives do not favor candidates who support amnesty. Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) was leading in presidential polls in Iowa before he became the face of the Senate’s “Gang of Eight” comprehensive amnesty legislation, but his poll numbers immediately plummeted after he championed the amnesty bill. But Bush, as he did again this week in Denver while addressing the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, has insisted during his appearances for Republican Senate candidates that Republicans pass comprehensive amnesty legislation if they control Congress even though Republicans may win back the Senate due to the public’s opposition to President Barack Obama’s executive amnesty, which he delayed to give Senate Democrats a better shot at retaining control. 

Last weekend, Bush’s two sons hyped a potential 2016 candidacy to the mainstream press. George P. Bush, who is running for Texas Land Commissioner, said it was “more than likely” that Jeb Bush runs for president while Jeb Bush Jr. told the New York Times that the Bush family and establishment Republicans “are getting fired up about it.”