MANCHESTER, New Hampshire — Hours before the final debate here between former Sen. Scott Brown and incumbent Democratic Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH), Senate Budget Committee ranking member Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) again defined the race as a national immigration battleground. 

“New Hampshire has an opportunity to impact the nation with this election,” Sessions said on NH1 radio on Thursday afternoon. “There’s just no doubt about it.”

Sessions has previously said electing Brown is where conservatives make their “stand” against President Obama’s planned executive amnesty.

He added on Thursday that Brown “has been an open and articulate advocate for a lawful system of immigration that protects our jobs and protects our national security.”

“So, it has become a national referendum in a lot of ways,” Sessions said. “It is an opportunity for the people to actually change policy in Washington.”

“Our first responsibility, as Scott has said, is to the American people and their jobs and their wages,” Sessions added, concluding that Brown is “a talented guy who’s got guts.”