MANCHESTER, New Hampshire — A new poll from the American Research Group (ARG) on the Senate race in New Hampshire reveals that the battle between incumbent Democratic Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) and former Sen. Scott Brown is a dead heat.

The poll of 600 likely voters shows Shaheen and Brown tied at 49 percent, with 2 percent undecided, and a margin of error of 4 percent. The poll was conducted from Monday, October 27, through Wednesday, October 29.

Previous polls showed Shaheen winning. The most recent previous poll from the firm, conducted from October 19 through October 22, showed Shaheen up one point. The poll ARG conducted prior to that, from September 27 through September 29, showed Shaheen up ten points. This means Brown has closed an enormous gap in the last few weeks.

The institutional Left, specifically Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s Super PAC and President Barack Obama’s leftwing allies, are pumping $1.3 million into New Hampshire in the final week of the race. That leftwing rallying cry is being answered by a new $1.25 million anti-amnesty ad buy from Ending Spending, a Super PAC backing Brown. The ads pummel Shaheen’s support for Obama’s planned executive amnesty and for giving New Hampshire jobs to illegal aliens–rather than American citizens.

The race’s final debate will be Thursday night, moderated by ABC News’ George Stephanopoulos. Stephanopoulos has longtime political ties–from his days as a “senior adviser” to President Bill Clinton–to both Shaheen herself and to Shaheen’s campaign adviser Mandy Grunwald. While Brown said he has “concerns” over those ties, Shaheen refused to comment when asked about them on Wednesday.