With the November 4 elections less than a week away, the NRA’s First Freedom magazine puts everything into perspective by reminding voters that “Your Second Amendment freedom has never been more important.”

The special election issue is emblazoned with the caption, “Chaos at our Door? A Dangerous World is Closing In.” 

A photo of a terrorist holding a rifle and an ISIS flag is front and center, and this reminds voters of the dangers terrorism poses to their lives. This reminder is apropos in light of the October 22 terror attack in Ottawa and the knowledge that ISIS–at this point in time–has more land, money, and fighters than Al Qaeda did on 9/11.

According to NYMag.com, the special election magazine expounds on the variety of dangers Americans face by also highlighting “the waves of drug smugglers, kidnappers, sex-slave traffickers and criminals of all kinds who invade our country from the south every day.”

In addition to the dangers to our lives, the issue reminds voters of dangers posed to their rights via gun control proponent Michael Bloomberg and gun-control candidates. 

The NRA’s First Freedom puts it succinctly: “Only pro-gun candidates can confront Obama’s last two years.” And to accomplish this, we must “defend our right to defend ourselves” by showing up en masse and voting pro-Second Amendment rights on November 4. 

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