Iowa Democrats have chosen a tough row to hoe with trial lawyer Bruce Braley, who is running for the U.S. Senate in mostly rural Iowa. Braley was heard denigrating farmers, and now, a closing TV ad slams the candidate, saying that God does not need a trial lawyer like him.

The super PAC, Ending Spending Action Fund, released the ad, which emulates the wonderful old speech about farmers by radio great Paul Harvey. In the original speech, Harvey’s refrain was that “God made a farmer.” With a riff on that, the new radio ad insists that “God did not need a trial lawyer” like Bruce Braley “and neither does Iowa.”

Showing a farm scene at its opening, the ad says:

And then one day God looked down on his planned paradise and noticed something was not right: Did He need someone raising money from lawyers and lobbyists, catering to special interests, expanding the power of Washington over the lives of others? Did He need someone who believes every problem requires more spending and a government solution and every inconvenience demands a lawsuit? No. God did not need a trial lawyer, and neither does Iowa.

At one point, just before the end of the ad, a few chickens are seen and squawking is heard in an amusing reference to one of the Democrat’s controversies–when Braley sued his next door neighbor because she had a chicken coop on her property that he wanted eliminated.

Ending Spending, Inc., has invested $300,000 in its ad campaign in Iowa to bolster state Sen. Joni Ernst in her quest for the open U.S. Senate seat there.

In recent polling, Ernst is up slightly over Democrat Braley–by two percent in some polls.

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