After Republicans resoundingly defeated Democrats in the midterm elections largely due to the backlash against President Barack Obama’s forthcoming executive amnesty, La Raza threatened the party: you won’t win the White House without amnesty.

La Raza President and CEO Janet Murguia claimed “there will never again be an electoral map” and “an electorate as favorable to the Republican Party as in 2016.” In 2016, she claimed, “the demographics of the Electoral College will come home to roost for Republicans.”

“If they continue on this trajectory, Republicans will have elected their last president for the foreseeable future. Latino voter priorities must be reflected in Republican policy priorities,” Murguia said on Wednesday.

Two studies, though, determined that Republicans could win elections in 2014, as the party did, and beyond without passing massive amnesty legislation.

Murguia also told Democrats to “not take our community for granted” and told Obama to “act boldly to bring relief to the millions facing deportation and family separation.”

“The Hispanic community has waited far too long and expects him to fulfill his promise,” Murguia said.

The activist declared earlier this year that “USA! USA!” chants against illegal immigrants “made me angry.