Congressman Lacy Clay (D-MO), whose district covers both the county and city of St. Louis, told Breitbart News on Wednesday that he is not speculating about the upcoming grand jury indictment decision regarding the August police shooting death of 18-year-old Mike Brown.

Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson shot and killed Brown, who was unarmed, in early August. The incident sparked violent confrontations between the St. Louis Police Department and protesters immediately thereafter.

“A state grand jury proceeding is supposed to be secret, and I hope everyone observes the law and honors the secrecy of the grand jury proceeding,” Clay said, noting he had just gotten off of a conference call with the congressional delegation and Eric Holder about the federal investigation into the shooting.

“In regards to the federal investigation, I reiterated to the Attorney General the importance of there being a thorough federal investigation, and let the evidence lead us to where it may, and that we seek justice—equal justice under the law. And that has been my position since August 9, when this tragic murder occurred.”

Eric Holder announced in early September that the Justice Department would open an investigation into the shooting. 

“We have a determination there is cause for the Justice Department to open an investigation,” Holder said at the time, according to reports, and that he was urged to take action after hearing complaints and seeing a “variety of documents” that contained information relating to “the percentage of stops for certain ethnic groups.” AG Holder said there was “deep mistrust” of the Ferguson Police Department and “lack of diversity” in the composition of the force.

Clay refused to say what may be the next step if Wilson is not indicted by the grand jury, saying, “proceedings are supposed to be secret, and if someone knows already what’s going to happen, then that tells me that the grand jury proceeding has not been secret and that more than likely someone has obstructed justice.”

St. Louis County Prosecutor Robert McColluch sent a press release out on Monday to end speculation about when the grand jury would release its decision, while Missouri Governor Jay Nixon held a press conference on Wednesday outlining the state’s plan with law enforcement for the day when the decision is made public.

Nixon told reporters that when a decision is made by the grand jury, the state highway patrol will coordinate with St. Louis County as well as city police and act as one unified team. The National Guard will be available and be brought in if necessary.