Rep. Walter Jones (R-NC) says impeachment should be on the table if President Barack Obama moves forward with executive amnesty.

Speaking with Breitbart News Wednesday evening, Jones explained that should Obama move to unilaterally legalize undocumented immigrants, it would be a constitutional issue, not an issue to be solved by restricting funding, as some Republicans have floated.  

“To me a constitutional question means that we have the option of impeachment,” Jones said, explaining that he thinks the best option to confront Obama’s executive amnesty would be impeachment. 

“We have a Constitution, and I am very disappointed from year to year that we do not follow the Constitution. To me, if you think the president has violated his trust of office, meaning with the American people, then follow the Constitution,” Jones added. 

The North Carolina Republican is no stranger to calls for impeachment, having at varying times seen impeachment as a way to deal with Obama on Obamacare and former President George W. Bush on Iraq.

He voted against the Republican resolution earlier this year to sue the President over Obamacare because he said it would be kicked out. He told The Hill at the time that impeachment would be preferable if the GOP were serious about the issue. 

Jones further noted that he supported a resolution from former Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) to impeach Bush over Iraq.

“We continue to forget that we have a constitutional responsibility, and to me, look at the constitutional responsibility first before you look at something second,” Jones said to Breitbart News, then stressed that he thinks Obama is a “fine person.”