Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush called on Congress to pass bipartisan comprehensive amnesty legislation after President Barack Obama unilaterally granted nearly five million illegal immigrants executive amnesty on Thursday. 

Bush, a potential 2016 presidential candidate who has come under fire for his support for comprehensive amnesty legislation and Common Core, said Obama’s “ill-advised unilateral action on illegal immigration undermines all efforts to forge a permanent solution to this crisis.”

But he said the GOP-led Congress should act on a comprehensive amnesty bill.

“Action must come in the form of bipartisan comprehensive reform passed through Congress,” he said. “President Obama has once again put divisive and manipulative politics before the sober leadership and sound laws required of an exceptional nation. It is time for Republican leaders in Congress to act. We must demonstrate to Americans we are the Party that will tackle serious challenges and build broad-based consensus to achieve meaningful reforms for our citizens and our future.”