Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton tells Breitbart News that Congress should boycott President Barack Obama’s next State of the Union speech as part of its response to Obama’s executive amnesty for five million or more illegal aliens.

“That seems to be one appropriate response,” Fitton said in an email. “Imagine if half of the chamber is empty.”

Fitton’s group is a government watchdog organization that has fought the administration on scandals ranging from the president’s luxurious travels on the taxpayer’s dime to Operation Fast and Furious–where Obama himself asserted executive privilege to hide documents from Congress–to Benghazi and more. He’s a conservative movement leader who’s been pushing Republican leadership in Congress to fight the president’s executive amnesty as hard as they can by using funding, or risk being “complicit” in the action.

Conservative grassroots leaders are furious with Obama on this action. Jenny Beth Martin, the head of Tea Party Patriots, said in a statement:

This is an unprecedented assault on the Constitution, the separation of powers, and the rule of law in the United States. President Obama today told millions of people,”If you broke our laws to enter this country, we will not prosecute you. We will not deport you.” Despite the President’s assurance that he is “not an emperor,” that’s exactly what he’s acting like. He’s a former law professor. He knows the Constitution vests Congress (not the Executive branch) with authority over immigration and naturalization. He just doesn’t care. This is a thumb in the eye to the American people.

Martin called for Congress to use its power to block funding for Obama’s executive amnesty.

“It is time for Congress, with its power of the purse, to de-fund executive amnesty. Congressman Matt Salmon of Arizona has led this effort in the House of Representatives, and we’re asking everyone to contact their Members of Congress and ask them to support his efforts,” Martin said.