Dr. Ben Carson, the retired neurosurgeon and potential 2016 presidential candidate, said he would decide on a run by May and refused to say whether he would reject the Senate’s “Gang of Eight” amnesty bill.

On ABC’s This Week, Carson was asked if he could support the comprehensive amnesty bill that the Senate passed last year. He said he “would have to read it thoroughly before I can answer the question.”

Carson spoke about the need for more pro-American policies that helps “millions of people in our inner cities, rural areas, Appalachia who are suffering.” The Senate’s amnesty bill, which the Congressional Budget Office determined would lower the wages of American workers, would hurt poor blacks and poor whites in the regions Carson discussed by massively increasing legal — and most likely illegal immigrants — over the next 10-30 years.

Carson criticized Obama’s executive overreach and said if he were to run, he would fight for those who want “United States to be a country where the government conforms to the will of the people” and not those “who want people to conform to the will of the government.”