At New York Mayor Bill de Blasio’s Monday immigration forum, Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson and Valerie Jarrett, President Barack Obama’s senior adviser and confidante, are instructing mayors across the country on how to implement Obama’s executive amnesty.

De Blasio, the left-wing Democrat, has said he wanted to use the event with 20 mayors and officials–all of whom are Democrats–to “amplify a historical moment.”

“We’re trying to take the president’s actions, defend it and support it,” de Blasio reportedly said before the event.

The officials had planned to “discuss the details of the executive actions and their implementation” in addition to sharing the “best practices for coordinating bureaucracies, collaborating with other government authorities and supporting community-based organizations that provide services” to illegal immigrants. 

While Democrats are laying the groundwork to implement Obama’s executive amnesty, 20 states are suing over Obama’s executive amnesty, while conservative lawmakers in Congress want to prohibit federal funds from being spent to implement Obama’s executive amnesty. Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) has said that Obama wants to implement his executive amnesty before Americans realize the full consequences.

Immigration discussion under way with White House advisor Valerie Jarrett and Sec Jeh Johnson.

— Javier Gonzales (@javiermgonzales) December 8, 2014