In attempting to inculcate young girls with his administration’s “War on Women” theme, Barack Obama made a point of making the central theme of the 2014 White House Science Fair last May the paucity of women in the sciences. To show how much he identified with women’s plight, he donned a tiara while posing with the Girl Scout Troop 2612 from Tulsa, Oklahoma.

At the Science Fair, Obama continued his implicit implication that the War on Women crossed all barriers, noting, “fewer than 3 in 10 workers in science and engineering are women… we’ve got to change those numbers.”

Obama obviously had a soft spot for the Girl Scouts, quite unlike the Boy Scouts, whose organization’s National Jamboree invitation heignored in July 2013. The Jamboree only comes along once every four years. Obama had joined critics of the Boy Scouts for their policy toward openly gay members, saying in February 2013, “My attitude is that gays and lesbians should have access and opportunity the same way everybody else does, in every institution and walk of life.”

Ironically, Obama serves as honorary president of the Boy Scouts of America.