As more details emerge from a poll indicating Republican voters want John Boehner out as Speaker, a clearer picture of a largely dissatisfied GOP voting base is emerging.

Neither Republican congressional leader John Boehner nor Mitch McConnell seem to be very well-liked. Boehner’s favorable vs. unfavorable ranking rests at 43 and 34 percent respectively, and McConnell’s is even worse at 38 and 28 percent.

Yet, sentiment against Boehner is somewhat stronger at the negative end of the spectrum. Of those surveyed, 11 percent gave Boehner a “strongly unfavorable” rating, while McConnell only received a 5 percent “strongly unfavorable” rating. If anything is saving McConnell at this point, it’s his being less well-known than Boehner.

Perhaps even worse, in national terms, the current GOP congressional leadership is viewed badly by what one might call ‘”swing voters”—those weakly or only moderately aligned with the Republican Party.

Of those defined as “weak Republican,” or 22 percent of the sample, the current GOP leadership has a 45 percent approval rating. The number is even worse among the 32 percent characterized as “leaning Republican,” with only  32 percent approving of current leadership, and 60 percent registering their disapproval.

Finally, McConnell’s being less well-known among those surveyed may give him something of an opportunity as the new Congress takes shape. Only 48 percent currently want to see him replaced, while 60 percent want to see Boehner gone.