Incoming Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) vowed that all Republican Senate incumbents will win their primaries in 2016.

McConnell told the Washington Post that he has told incumbents, “Don’t try to reinvent yourself. Be yourself, number one. And don’t be afraid of a primary. We will win all the primaries. We did it in ’14. We will do it in ’16,”

In the 2014 election election cycle, McConnell vowed to “crush” and “stand up” to the Tea Party. McConnell won his own primary, and he and his establishment allies spent millions and feverishly worked to ensure all other establishment Senate incumbents–like Sen. Thad Cochran (R-MS)–survived theirs even if they had to use tactics like race-baiting and encouraging Democrats to vote for Cochran in the primary.

In the 2016 cycle, McConnell and his allies may have to keep some establishment Republicans–like those who are reportedly plotting to oust Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT)–in check.