One has to give Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) credit for trying to push an anti-American agenda as the minority party in Congress. 

Pelosi has unveiled a Democratic legislative “package” that includes the “Stop Corporate Expatriation and Invest In America’s Infrastructure Act,” a bill that prevents U.S. businesses from moving overseas, which according to Pelosi, would prevent these companies from “paying their fair share of taxes.”

Pelosi’s “fair share” is taken right out of “tax the wealthy” liberal mindset and President Obama’s “Buffet Rule,” which calls on billionaires and millionaires to pay their “fair share” of taxes.

“In sharp contrast to Republicans whose first vote in the new Congress will be to advance additional tax cuts for the wealthy and special interests, we will bring forward the Stop Corporate Expatriation and Invest in America’s Infrastructure Act, which prevents U.S. corporations from renouncing their citizenship to dodge paying their fair share of taxes,” said Pelosi. “It’s time to stop rewarding companies that move overseas, and instead use those dollars to create good-paying jobs here at home.”

This bill will likely fall flat on its face. Remember, this is an anti-business bill, and Republicans control the House.

Pelosi and her fellow Democrats continue to deny, and purposely ignore the real reason why U.S. corporations continue to move their businesses overseas. The whopping U.S. corporate tax rate makes it almost impossible for U.S. businesses to survive stateside.