Vice President Joe Biden released a statement Thursday about Sen. Barbara Boxer’s announcement that she would be leaving Congress in 2016. In it, he expressed that the California Democrat has been his “soul mate in the Senate for a long time.”

Biden added that despite having two years left in office, it would be equivalent to “having four to six years of any other Senator.”

Barbara Boxer has been my soul mate in the Senate for a long time. She and Stew have been close friends of Jill and mine for many years. I have to be honest and say I’m very sorry she is leaving.

The Senate is losing a passionate voice, and a great leader in the environmental movement. She had the vision to promote a green economy, and she was one of the first to press for a cap on carbon emissions.

It was a particular honor to work with her on the Violence Against Women Act. You always knew in the Senate if you had Barbara on your side, you didn’t need much more.

I am sorry to see her go, but there are still two years left. And two years of Barbara Boxer is like having four to six years of any other Senator. She’s been a great Senator, and an even better friend.

Boxer, 74, said in an interview with her grandson Zach Rodham that she would be focusing her energies on getting the Democratic nominee for president elected in 2016.

Much speculation has been swirling around Hillary Rodham Clinton as the potential frontrunner for the Democrats–and now about Boxer’s likely successors.

Adelle Nazarian is on Twitter @AdelleNaz