Some folks over at Buzzfeed may have been hitting the Buzz-weiser a bit too much, given the buildup to this non-story.

They bill it as the “senator’s run in with the law.” In reality, it wouldn’t even qualify as a good warm up if he were a Kennedy.

After a brief  listing of Senator Ted Cruz’s many accomplishments as a young man, they get around to telling us this, with a response from a Cruz staffer. Cruz entered “a 1987 guilty plea for possession of alcohol as a minor.”

An aide to Sen.Cruz said he was a senior in high school and got pulled over and they found an unopened case of beer and he received a ticket.

“Teenagers often make foolish mistakes, and that certainly applied to me as well,” Cruz said in a statement provided to BuzzFeed News.

Well, that certainly changes nothing. If anything, it most likely humanizes Cruz in a certain way, giving him one more connection to his supporters across right-wing grassroots.