White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest used a bit of colorful language aboard Air Force One this afternoon, calling on Republicans to stop “mucking around” with the Department of Homeland Security funding bill.

 “House Republicans … are mucking around with DHS funding just weeks before the funding deadline,” Earnest said.
“There’s never a good time to muck around with the funding of the Department of Homeland Security, but given the events of the last week, this seems like a particularly bad time to do so,” he added  alluding to the recent terrorist attacks in Paris.

Republicans, led by House Speaker John Boehner, passed the funding bill earlier today. It includes an amendment to defund President Obama’s executive amnesty. House Republicans also passed an amendment killing Obama’s 2012 Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program.

Earnest argued that the bill passed by the House was unlikely to get enough Democrat support in the Senate.

By restricting funds to the DHS, Earnest argued that Republicans were effectively blocking funding for border enforcement and returning to a broken immigration system.

“This vote is bad policy. It is essentially a vote for amnesty. It is also bad politics,” he said.