Breibart News Sunday will be broadcasting from the South Carolina Tea Party Coalition Convention in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina from 7PM to 10PM EST. South Carolina is a crucial battleground for Republican candidates leading up to the 2016 Republican nomination for president.

The Tea Party event will kick up the intensity leading up the presidential race and it will be attended by many of the most prominent conservatives in the country. Among those at the event are: Sarah Palin, Rafael Cruz, Dr. Ben Carson, Sen. Ted Cruz, Donald Trump, Rep. Jim Bridenstine, Rep. Louie Gohmert, Rick Santorum, Col Bill Cowens, Rick Manning, Tom and Deneen Borrelli, Armstrong Williams, Joe Dugan, Kevin Jackson, Col Rob Maness and a host of others.

The broadcast will include speech’s, talks, and interviews with the Breitbart News team of Executive Chairman Stephen K. Bannon, Matthew Boyle, Dan Fleuette, and Edwin Mora.