Col. Rob Maness believes that the recent terror attacks in Paris should be the “centerpiece” of every argument against illegal immigration and open borders.

“Our porous border for years enabled terrorists and enemies of our country to be able to get through that border …[to] possibly establish sleeper cells in our country,” Maness said, noting that men dressed up as terrorists in a Project Veritas investigation were successfully able to cross the Rio Grande. “I believe that they are here already and have been coming here for some time… If you think it hasn’t happened, then you’re wrong.”

Speaking to Breitbart News Sunday’s Matt Boyle from the South Carolina Tea Party convention over the weekend, Maness, who ran for U.S. Senate in Louisiana this year and impressed many conservatives who believe his political future is bright, said that “illegal aliens and border security” are some of the most important issues facing the American people.

He mentioned that though the 9/11 terrorists overstayed their visas, “this government and this Congress… are allowing this to continuously occur.. and putting our country and citizens in danger.” Maness also said that some guest workers in the high-tech fields are “not properly vetted,” and this could also be a potential national security risk because they may design software or work on projects that may be used for national security and defense purposes.

He said that while the bipartisan political establishment may not care about border security and illegal immigration, the American people do because “it’s taking jobs away… especially entry-level jobs.”

Maness mentioned that in his home state of Louisiana, young black men have three times the unemployment rate of others. Maness said that reducing illegal immigration would mean more entry-level jobs in his state, which would help people break the devastating cycle of incarceration and poverty that so many low-income people in his state face. He said enabling illegal immigration is “disrespectful” to American citizens and legal immigrants.

Maness also said that there “absolutely” is not a high-tech labor shortage, and he has seen college graduates in his home state of Louisiana who cannot find adequate employment in the technology sector because “folks are being brought in from overseas to take those jobs.” Though the tech industry continues to push a false narrative of an American high-tech labor shortage, numerous scholars and studies have found that America actually has a surplus of high-tech labor.

“We need Americans to have those jobs,” Maness said.

After losing in the jungle primary but getting the respect of conservatives in the process with his campaign, Maness launched Gator PAC, a hybrid PAC which Maness said will help citizen and constitutional conservative candidates and focus on issues like illegal immigration, national security and the economy. Maness also said the PAC would be involved in statewide and district-level elections in Louisiana. As for his political future, Maness said that “all options are open” for another run at elected office.