On January 15, Breitbart News reported that Michigan Governor Rick Snyder (R) bucked the NRA and stood with Gabby Giffords against pro-gun bill SB 789.

In so doing, Snyder not only cowered to the left’s misinformation machine, he also denied expanded protections for victims of domestic abuse and nipped pro-gun support for any presidential ambitions in the bud.

Snyder vetoed SB 789 in light of gun control rhetoric which claimed it “required concealed carry permits to be issued to persons subject to protection orders (PPO) for domestic violence or stalking.” This was a false claim made by gun controllers who dressed their gun control plans in anti-domestic violence terminology to cow moderate pro-gunners.

Moreover, as the NRA-ILA reported, SB 789 would have actually offered new and expanded protections to victims of domestic abuse “by allowing an individual who petitions the court system for a PPO to automatically qualify for a temporary concealed carry permit.”

But Snyder vetoed it. In so doing, he bucked the NRA and deferred to Gabby Giffords. He lost a ton of would-be red state presidential voters in the process, and also denied a new mechanism for the protection of domestic violence victims.

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