President Obama is still complaining about Republicans obstructing legislative action in Washington, even though they now control both houses of Congress.

“The answer can’t just be no to everything,” he said in Kansas, as part of his tour to promote his initiatives in the State of the Union address.

“I don’t mind hearing no to some things, but it can’t be no to everything,” he continued. “At some point, you’ve got to say yes to something. I want to get to yes! Tell me what you want to do.”

But the president appears to be the one who’s comfortable saying “no” so far, at least when it comes to blocking Republican initiatives from Congress.

Just this year, the White House has issued eight formal veto notices, most recently one vowing to block a bill that would stop taxpayer funding for abortion.

On four different occasions in his State of the Union address, Obama threatened to veto legislation if passed by Republicans, a historic high.

“I don’t remember a State of the Union address where I heard a president issue so many veto threats to the Republican majority, to the opposite party in the United States Congress,” CNN’s Wolf Blitzer pointed out after the speech.