Calling it “one of the largest burdens the party has carried in decades,” The Hill reports that the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC) is carrying $15 million in operational debt going into the 2016 election cycle, and that doesn’t include the “$5 million loan the organization took out to buy a house adjacent to its headquarters that it has leased for years…”

It’s worth noting also that this is the party that controls the White House currently arguing for increased spending on the part of a federal government also deeply in debt.

The current DSCC debt looks even worse when one considers what they don’t have to show for it, having lost nine seats to Republicans in November.

The DSCC raised $168 million for the 2014 election cycle, tens of millions more than the NRSC did, but Republican outside groups more than evened the score and the GOP picked up nine seats to win Senate control. Democrats are hopeful they can win back the Senate next year, when they’re only defending 10 seats to Republicans’ 24.