Tuesday on Bloomberg TV’s “With All Due Respect,” Dr. Ben Carson, a potential 2016 candidate for the Republican presidential nomination, refused to disparage Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) over comments he has made on the vaccine debate.

Hosts John Heilemann and Mark Halperin repeatedly attempted get Carson to comment on Paul’s remarks.

Carson said, “I don’t want to necessarily talk about what he said to be honest with you, because I’m sure if you had an in depth  conversation with him you would come away with a very different impression, because he’s actually a very reasonable person.”

As they kept pushing, Carson shot back, “I would ask him that question directly and see what he has to say.”

Elaborating, “I’m saying there is no need for us to sit there and judge what he’s saying without actually sitting him down and asking him ‘Do you believe it is a selfish thing for someone to not vaccinate themselves and expose others to the risk disease?’ and as a physician and see what he has to say.”

Carson concluded by saying “I say ask him those direct questions and see what he has to say.”

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