Dr. Ben Carson, former pediatric neurosurgeon and author of “You Have a Brain” declared that President Obama’s remarks at the National Prayer Breakfast “makes me feel that perhaps we’re [Christians] being betrayed” on Saturday’s “Fox & Friends” on the Fox News Channel.

“Well, certainly his words give us some insight into his thinking and his actions or lack thereof, and, you know, there have been atrocities committed throughout human history in the name of religion, and they’re all horrible, and to sit down and try to decide which one is worse than the other, doesn’t make any sense. We should condemn them all, give no quarter to anyone who is involved in such activities, and to try to divert the attention away from the outrage that has been focused on the radical Islamic terrorists, in this manner is rather disingenuous, I’m sure, to say the least” he stated.

Carson added, in response to how he reacted to the president’s remarks as a Christian, “obviously, it makes me feel that perhaps we’re being betrayed. perhaps we don’t have a leader who feels the same about things as most of us do, but the good thing is, we have a system in place, that has allowed us to take control. We need to observe carefully what our leaders do and what the people who support them do. We can’t forget who those people are, and we will have another opportunity, coming up in 2016, looking at all the Senators and the Congressman who rabidly support this man. Let’s make sure that they get the message.”

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