A federal court ruling that temporarily blocks President Obama’s executive amnesty shows the importance of Congress defunding those actions, House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) argues.

“This ruling underscores the importance and urgency of Congress defunding President Obama’s executive overreach on immigration,” Goodlatte said Tuesday.

Late Monday, a federal court judge in Texas temporarily blocked Obama’s executive amnesty, ruling in favor of the 26 states that are challenging the president’s actions.

Goodlatte — who signed onto an amicus brief in support of the states’ cause in December — said he was pleased by the decision that will allow the states to pursue a case against Obama’s actions, which he described as a “clear and present danger to our Constitution.”

“By acting unilaterally to rewrite our nation’s immigration laws, President Obama has disregarded the will of the American people and violated the Constitution,” Goodlatte said. “We cannot allow one man to nullify the law of the land with either a stroke of his pen or a phone call.”

The decision comes as Senate Democrats filibuster a House-passed Department of Homeland Security appropriations bill that would defund Obama’s executive amnesty.

Goodlatte stressed Tuesday that the decision should cause Democrats to allow the bill to come to the floor for debate.

“Now that the legality of the President’s executive decrees has been questioned by both the legislative and judicial branches, Senate Democrats should stop their obstructionism and allow debate on the House-passed bill that would defund President Obama’s effective rewriting of our nation’s immigration laws,” he said.

The White House announced early Tuesday that it plans to appeal the decision.