Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) dubbed President Obama “an apologist for radical Islamic terrorists” on Wednesday’s “Kelly File” on the Fox News Channel.

“What undermines the global effort [against terrorism] is for the President of the United States to be an apologist for radical Islamic terrorists, to analogize it to the Crusades from 700 years ago. What would be far better to see, is the kind of courage that was demonstrated just a few weeks ago by Egyptian President el-Sisi. Now, President el-Sisi in Cairo gave a speech that was courageous, when he called out the radical Islamic terrorists, and President el-Sisi is a Muslim, and he said we Muslims need to stand up together against these radical terrorists who are perverting our faith and turning it into a mandate for murder. Why don’t we see the President of the United States demonstrating that same courage just to speak the truth about the face of evil we’re facing right now?” he stated.

Cruz also said, “this is a president and administration that has turned a hard heart to the persecution and suffering of Christians abroad, to the persecution and suffering of Jews abroad. You look at the Christians, where is the president speaking up loudly and consistently for pastor Saeed Abedini, an American in prison in Iran, imprisoned for expressing his Christian faith? When Mariam Ibrahim was in Sudan, sentenced to 100 lashes and to hang by the neck until dead for her Christian faith the president would not speak up. Just a couple weeks ago the president made reference to the horrific terrorist attack in Paris where radical Islamists went into a kosher deli and the president said it was a ‘random’ act of violence. There was nothing random about it. These were radical Islamists going to a kosher deli to target people because they were Jews, and to murder them because of their Jewish faith. And this bizarre, politically correct, double speak is simply not befitting a commander-in-chief whose first obligation should be to protect the United States of America.”

Earlier he declared “ISIS is the face of evil, and these latest atrocities, our heart breaks, and to see 21 Coptic Christians murdered, beheaded by radical Islamic terrorists, to see 45 people lit on fire, this is horrific, and it is deliberate, and it is targeted, it is targeted at Christians, it is targeted at Jews, it’s targeted at Muslims in the region who do not accede to the radical Islamist view, and unfortunately the president and this administration dogmatically refuses to utter the words ‘radical Islamic terrorism.’ You cannot defeat an enemy if you refuse to acknowledge what it is.” He added that saying that jobs were the solution to terrorism was “idiocy.”

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