On Wednesday, Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-IL) predicted that a federal judge’s injunction against President Barack Obama’s temporary amnesty program will activate an unprecedented “militancy” in the immigrant community that will drive them to the polls against Republicans.

Gutierrez, who vowed that pro-amnesty advocates would not be “deterred” by Judge Andrew Hanen’s injunction, told MSNBC’s Jose Diaz Balart that the “militancy that will be activated throughout the immigrant community in terms of voter registration, voter particiaption and voter anger at the Republican Party… I think you are going to see it in an unprecedented manner.”

“You may think you won today, but your victory is going to be short-lived, and November 2016 is coming right around the corner–and this will come back to haunt you,” Gutierrez, who has urged illegal immigrants to get amnesty to punish Americans against illegal immigration at the ballot box, warned Republicans.

He also accused Texas Governor Greg Abbott (R), who led the fight against Obama’s executive amnesty, of disrespecting Obama and the office and the institution of the presidency by referring to Obama as “Barack Obama.” Abbott, though, has referred to Obama as “President Obama.”

“President Obama abdicated his responsibility to uphold the United States Constitution when he attempted to circumvent the laws passed by Congress via executive fiat, and Judge Hanen’s decision rightly stops the President’s overreach in its tracks,” Abbott said after Hanen issued his injunction. “We live in a nation governed by a system of checks and balances, and the President’s attempt to by-pass the will of the American people was successfully checked today. The District Court’s ruling is very clear — it prevents the President from implementing the policies in ‘any and all aspects.’”

Gutierrez vowed that he will help DREAMers who were scheduled to apply for the expanded Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program on Wednesday secure documents and fill out their applications even though the Department of Homeland Security announced that it would comply with the injunction and not take applications until the case is resolved.