On Tuesday, the Wall Street Journal reported that donations from foreign governments to The Clinton Foundation were now not only being accepted, they’re on the rise just as the former First Lady is preparing a run for the U.S. presidency.

The Clinton Foundation has dropped its self-imposed ban on collecting funds from foreign governments and is winning contributions at an accelerating rate, raising ethical questions as Hillary Clinton ramps up her expected bid for the presidency.

Today, the foundation is backtracking… somewhat. They say they may reconsider accepting foreign donations. but only if Hillary decides to run for president.

Per Politico:

The Clinton Foundation will reconsider its policy of accepting new donations from foreign governments if Hillary Clinton runs for president as expected, the organization said on Thursday after two days of controversy over its funding from international sources.

The foundation didn’t accept foreign money while Hillary was serving as Secretary of State and, presumably, will return to that policy prior to any official campaign launch. But that’s likely to be far from enough to stop critics who would seem to have a legitimate complaint. Cutting off funds now and again, while accepting them even now would allow any foreign government seeking Hillary’s favor to donate big now, prior to her expected official campaign.

More via Politico:

The original Journal article noted that the foundation had taken money from a handful of foreign governments since 2013, including between $1 million and $5 million from the United Arab Emirates in 2014. Republican groups pounced on the disclosure, suggesting that such countries might receive special treatment if Clinton were to become president.

The foundation defended its fundraising strategy on Thursday: “Like other global charities, the Clinton Foundation receives support from individuals, organizations and governments from all over the world. Contributions are made because the Foundation’s programs improve the lives of millions of people around the globe,” it said.