On Monday, Glenn Beck discussed his health miracle.

On his radio show, Beck said, “I want to talk to you a little bit about miracles.”

“And do you actually believe in miracles?” he asked. “I contend that a lot of people don’t. On Friday, I went to the doctor, and I witnessed, and so did my doctor and my wife a full-fledged miracle. In fact, the doctor said to me, there is no way to explain what has just happened… He said, I think we helped. He said, but honestly I was lying to you. He said, I was trying to tell you that, you know, hey, you know, things could get better.”

Beck then explained his health struggles and thanked God for curing him:

One year ago, I had five different autoimmune disorders. Five autoimmune disorders. I wrote, I had Addison’s disease along with a buttload of other things. To be honest with you, I did not have Addison’s disease. The reason I wrote that is because the doctor said, I thought you were headed for Addison’s disease. You had adrenal fatigue and adrenal failure, and I thought you were headed for Addison’s. He said, I thought it was a matter of time before you had Addison’s. He stood there, and he looked at — I got all my blood tests back. And I’ve been telling Pat for the last four weeks, I’ve been coming in in the morning, and there are mornings that I feel like I haven’t felt in maybe ten years. And I said to Pat, I think I’ve been healed. I think I’ve been healed. My weight gain is because of all of the medicine that they had me on. All of a sudden my body started working, and so all the medicines they had me on were attacking my body. I didn’t need all of that medicine. So I wrote on Friday: Today, I get my test results back. Zero autoimmune. And adrenal glands, full-force. The doctors told me they’ve never seen this happen before. I promised God that if he would just heal me to any extent of his will, I would pronounce the miracle. Last summer, when I got my brain back online, I thought that was a miracle, and I pronounced the miracle. Today, I can rightfully say I have been healed. I want to thank the doctors at Carrick and the Carrick Brain Center, but more importantly, the architect of our body, God. Believe. God is good. I’ve spent at least the last four years in hell. I would have given up if it weren’t for my wife and my faith. Don’t give up. Miracles happen. Life gets better. You’re needed in the fight. That’s what I wrote on Friday.

Beck said that when he initially posted about his health miracle on Facebook, many accused him of making it up, especially his story about almost having Addison’s Disease, and alleged that it was all in his head:

Yeah, there were some that came out and said, he didn’t have Addison’s. There’s no way he had Addison’s. And I corrected them immediately. I was borderline Addison’s. I did not have that. I put that in there. I was writing on the way home in the car. Put that in there because I honestly don’t understand what Addison’s is… It doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter. If God chooses to heal Addison’s, he will heal Addison’s. If he chooses to heal anything. There were others that said, he didn’t have five autoimmune diseases. Those are impossible to get — I’ll show you the blood tests. I’ll show you the tests. For the love of Pete. Well, actually I won’t show you the tests, but I could back it up.

He then said most people did not know he had trouble staying awake while struggling with his health issues. Beck even suggested that it felt like he had narcolepsy and then addressed people who may be upset at God for forsaking them:

He didn’t. He just knew that the biggest miracle was the resurrection and the forgiveness of sins, the atonement. That was the miracle. Not to be taken off the cross. Not to be comforted. Not to have the pain taken away. But the real miracle was yet to come. And so here he is, the — the icon that we all look to saying, why have you abandoned me? How many of us have our faiths tested? How many of us have said that? Maybe we feel God doesn’t hear us, God is not responding. We can’t hear him. Maybe we start to question our own faith. How could there be a God? He’s letting all this stuff happen. Where is he? I’m good. I’ve done everything I’m supposed to do. What have I done wrong? Where is he? If he loved me, he’d be here. He’d at least let me hear him. He’d at least show up just to say, hey, everything’s going to be okay. I don’t hear anything from him. Why? Why have you forsaken me? Because the biggest miracle of your life is yet to come. It’s just not necessarily the miracle you’re looking for.

Beck said he was also “a little dismayed at the number of people that question miracles”:

Isn’t that the point of a miracle? We’re questioning the little ones. The earth does not fly into the sun. It makes a revolution around the sun every year. Same revolution. It doesn’t spin out of control. The temperature of space, if it changes by one degree, the entire thing collapses. We don’t ever question the miracle of life itself. The fact that the sun is providing light and heat, warmth, life, that the temperature of space doesn’t change, that the sun is coming up at the right time tomorrow morning. We never question the big miracles that happen every single day. My gosh, if he can do that, why do we question the little ones? I’ve said to you before, you’re going to see miracles in your lifetime. I believe we’ll need part the Red Sea miracles in our lifetime. If we don’t expect them, we will never see them. Teach yourself to believe once again in miracles because they’re real. I know I’ve seen it.

Listen to Beck tell the full story here.