Matt Walker, son of Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker tells Breitbart News in an exclusive interview that he thinks the institutional left is afraid of his father. In addition to attending Marquette University, Matt Walker is also currently the regional vice chairman of the midwest division of the College Republican National Committee (CRNC).

“I think that those on the left are afraid because he has been able to fight on behalf of the people and win,” Matt Walker said in a lengthy email interview. “He stood up for what he believes in and the people of Wisconsin stood up with him. Every time they have gone after him, it has only made him and this reform movement stronger.”

He adds the reason they’re afraid of his father, the governor of Wisconsin, is because the left thought its big government enclaves in big education and big labor were untouchable. But his father was able to enact reforms that have lasted through all the attacks from the left.

“I think that they are afraid because they were under the impression that big government, schools, universities, etc… were too big and too difficult to reform,” Matt added. “But my dad has still been able to enact commonsense policies that have made for more efficient and effective government that can be more accountable to the hardworking WI taxpayers. Many can talk about these reforms, but he has actually done it.”

A recent report from The Daily Caller detailed an extraordinary level of hateful rhetoric after University of Wisconsin-Madison College Republicans sent out a campus-wide email supporting Gov. Walker’s recent budget proposal. But liberals on the campus responded with such vitriol and hatred—rather than having a civil discourse about the budget proposal—devolving their rhetoric into cursing and vulgarity laced with profanity.

“This is definitely not the response that the UW Madison College Republicans were expecting to receive when they were sending out their email to spark discussion on campus,” Matt Walker told Breitbart News when asked to comment on the hatred from the left. “The comments made in response are vulgar and tasteless from those in opposition to the budget adjustments. For the most part, I believe commentary like this comes from individuals who don’t really understand the issue at hand and therefore are unable to discuss the issue at all.”

Matt Walker said that during his time at Marquette, he hasn’t faced too many issues where his professors have treated him differently than liberal students though on occasion he does find himself fighting double standards.

“It always comes down to the professor in the end,” he said when asked if he’s treated fairly.

But one of the most surprising themes of my experience in college has been that political bias appears less in my political courses (as a political science and economics double major), but more so in classes like English, Philosophy, and other humanities.

In the beginning years of my time at Marquette, I don’t think most professors knew who I was. I don’t think too many professors treat me differently when they find out, but every now and then I’ll have a minor issue.

He said that conservatives and Republicans on college campuses who are aiming to fight back against liberal bias by leftist professors and academia figures should work to create bias reporting systems to expose any double standards they face.

“While I was chair of the WI College Republicans we worked to bring in bias reporting systems where students could report bias to a third party for review,” he said. “It’s a step forward to make sure students are being treated fairly.”

He also said that the left act like bullies—as Breitbart’s Ben Shapiro’s detailed in his book titled “Bullies: How The Left’s Culture Of Fear And Intimidation Silences America”—because they seek to avoid having any substantive policy discussions.

“In the end, I believe this is just a way for the left to avoid the policy discussion,” he said when asked why liberals act like bullies. “I wouldn’t say it’s all of them that take this attitude to framing the political debate, but we have definitely seen this increase recently.  One of the worst cases of this bullying came last year when DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz made references to domestic abuse to frame the election in WI.”

Gov. Walker has recently come under attack yet again by the mainstream media, with the Washington Post aiming to hit him for not playing into its line of questioning about President Barack Obama’s faith. Matt Walker says while he hasn’t personally faced too many mainstream media attacks, he has been the subject of efforts to “troll” him by leftist bloggers.

“I don’t think I’ve really had too many encounters with the mainstream media,” he said. “I pretty much get a lot of bloggers who like to troll me on Facebook and Twitter.”

Moving forward, however, he expects it to get much worse for him, his dad, his brother Alex and their whole family.

“I’m assuming it would definitely get worse,” Matt Walker said when asked if he thinks the treatment from liberals would worsen should his dad run for president. “We went through a lot during the recall, so I think that has only helped prepare us for whatever is next. I don’t think we are doing anything to prepare. We will continue to be who we are and let people judge us as who we are. Lastly, we will deal with it as a family. My dad has set a good example for my brother and I to let a lot of these crazy comments go and to focus on more important things.”

Gov. Walker is set to speak at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) this week in National Harbor, Maryland, just outside Washington, D.C. Matt Walker is expected to join him there.