National Journal Senior Political Columnist and Editorial Director Ron Fournier and Bloomberg Politics Correspondent Lisa Lerer criticized the Clinton Foundation’s acceptance of foreign donations during Hillary’s tenure at the State Department on Thursday’s “New Day” on CNN.

Lerer said, “I was just in Silicon Valley this week seeing Secretary Clinton give what really is a preview of many of her campaign themes, and a big focus of that speech was the rights of women and women’s achievements, and promoting women, and promoting everybody, and it’s hard to see how taking money from these countries that are not exactly known for their record on women’s rights doesn’t undermine that message. And that’s just one of the many problems with this whole story.”

Fournier added, “I wrote a couple weeks ago that this was ethically sleazy and politically stupid. I stand by those words and actually, what we’ve seen since then, I think I’ll double down on them. Again, this proves that the Clintons’ biggest blind spot for all — the admirable things about them is — the biggest blind spot is they actually think that the ends justify the means.”

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