At the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) on Thursday, Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker reminded conservative activists that America is exceptional because it celebrates its independence from government–not its dependence on it.

Contrasting his successful reforms in Wisconsin with President Barack Obama’s desire for more federal overreach, Walker called Washington, D.C. “68 square miles surrounded by reality” and blasted Obama for believing that “you grow the economy by growing Washington.” Walker said that success should be measured not by how many people are dependent on government but by “how many people are no longer dependent on government.”

Pointing out that America celebrates the Fourth of July and not April 15, Walker said that America is exceptional because we “celebrate independence from government, not our dependence on it.”

Walker said that the country’s Founders have always been “like super heroes” to him, but he and his family never had the money to go visit the historic sites on the east coast. He said when he became governor and had an opportunity to visit Independence Hall, he and his wife jumped at the chance. Waker said that he realized more than ever after his visit how “ordinary” and “extraordinary” the Founders were. Walker said the Founders were “ordinary people who did something quite extraordinary” because “these were people who literally risked their lives for the freedoms we enjoy today.”

“Moments like that remind me that what makes America great, exceptional, arguably the greatest country in the history of the world,” Walker said, noting that in moments of economic, fiscal, military, and spiritual crises, the country has always had leaders who care more about the future of their children and grandchildren than their political futures.

He talked about his record of success and reform as Wisconsin’s governor, which he said came after fighting the special interests in Washington and in his state who wanted to recall him for wanting to fight for and give more power to the hardworking taxpayers.

He said after enacting his reforms, including removing seniority and tenure for government employees and public school teachers, test scores and graduation rates improved. He said unemployment is down in Wisconsin while the burden on taxpayers, who pay less in property taxes, has been reduced. Walker said that his administration enacted lawsuit and regulatory reform, defunded Planned Parenthood, and ushered in pro-life bills. He touted passing concealed carry laws and the Castle Doctrine and photo ID laws for voting. Walker said it should be “easy to vote and hard to cheat.” 25th right-to-work state

Walker said that voters, especially independent voters, want someone “who is going to fight and win every single day for the hardworking taxpayers.” He said that is why he won his recall election and reelection despite being demonized and facing stiff opposition from national progressive interest groups who continue to demonize him for enacting right-to-work laws.

Walker said the left wants to “push you down” and force Americans to go through multiple layers of bureaucracy to start businesses. He said the right’s message should be that, “in America, if you want to live the American Dream, we’re going to make it as easy as possible to do.” He said such a message would resonate with young and freedom-loving people.


As Walker leads in numerous early state polls, the mainstream press at home and even abroad have tried to badger Walker by asking him questions about evolution and whether he believes Obama is a Christian Liberals have mocked him for not having a college degree even though 85% of New Hampshire’s Republicans believe he is qualified to be president without one. In the future, Walker may find himself under scrutiny for his past support for the McCain-Kennedy comprehensive amnesty plan from the right.

When asked about the current net neutrality debate, Walker simply said that Internet policy should be guided by “freedom.”

On Foreign policy, Walker blasted Obama for diminishing the threat of ISIS, hailing Yemen as a success, and believing that Iran is “a country we can do business with.”

He said the president should do “everything in their power to ensure that the threat from radical Islamic terrorism does not wash upon Ameriacan soil.”

“ISIS is a threat to our way of live and to all freedom-loving people around the world,” he said. “We will take the fight to them and not wait until they bring their fight to American soil for our children and grandchildren.”

Walker also claimed that taking on 100,000 union protestors during his recall and reelection campaigns prepared him for combating ISIS.

“If I can take on 100,000 protestors, I can do the same across the world,” he declared.