Today is White House Senior Advisor Dan Pfeiffer’s final day at the White House, and while he hasn’t enjoyed an awkward public hug from the president or a speech to send him on his way, he deserves to be recognized for his years of loyal service to the president, going back to the 2008 presidential campaign.

1. Pfeiffer, a former intern for Al Gore, is the purveyor of “4 a.m. nastygrams,” “profanity laced notes,” and “abrasive phone calls” to reporters

2. Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) once described Pfeiffer as “a demagogic, self-serving political hack who can’t even be elected to a parent advisory committee, much less Congress.”

3. He was hospitalized twice for stroke-like symptoms before he started to calm down and got some perspective.

4. The guy really really likes his BlackBerry

“He would always walk around reading his BlackBerry in his hands in front of him, not necessarily being able to see where he was headed,” – Ben LaBolt.


Like really.

Two Phones. One for each of you.

5. And big boxes of meat.

6. He once admitted that the Drudge Report hurt the Obama White House.

7. He was once booed by Netroots Nations when he tried to explain Obama’s position on gay marriage.

8. He once accidentally referred to the “N-word factor” on Twitter.

9. He compared Republicans to suicide bombers.

10. He insisted that Obama would actually be an “asset” for Democrats in the 2014 midterms.

11. And actually said “I believe we will keep the Senate” during the 2014 midterm elections.

12. He insisted that the Latte Salute was a “faux outrage.”

“It’s just like, ‘Here’s a gotcha moment. We know it’s not real,'” Pfeiffer said. “The Republican operatives who push around know it’s not real. The press knows it’s not real, but everyone’s got to cover it and play the whole game.”

13. Pfeiffer is famous for explaining what was “irrelevant” on the Sunday Shows.

“Why are you here today?” – CBS Face The Nation Host Bob Schieffer

14. He said that it was an “irrelevant fact” where Obama was during the Benghazi attacks.

15. He said that the “law is irrelevant” when talking about the IRS scandals.

16. He also said it was “irrelevant” who edited the White House talking points on Benghazi

17. But he did admit once that “Ted Cruz has all the power.”

18. He seriously floated the possibility that Republicans were considering impeaching the president.

19. He was really good at trolling reporters

20. He once threatened the “end of all selfies” with President Obama.

Which didn’t exactly work out.

21. Remember when he actually claimed that Barack Obama didn’t have the power to grant executive amnesty?

“He does not have the executive authority to do it … that’s not authority that he has.”

Pfeiffer, who has positioned himself as a futuristic new media communicator will likely get a #bigtechjob shortly after he leaves the White House. He also has a new Twitter account, so be sure to follow him here.