While the Capitol Police officially refused Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton’s (D-DC) request to waive a sledding ban on Capitol Hill this week, children and families showed up and sledded anyway.

It all started on Wednesday, with an imminent winter snowstorm, when Norton called on Capitol Police to temporarily lift the sledding ban for the rest of the week to allow sledding on Capitol Grounds.

“This could be the last snowstorm the D.C. area gets this winter, and may be one of the best for sledding in years,” Norton said.  “Children and their parents should able to enjoy sledding on one of the best hills in the city.”

Capitol Police declined the request. “Traffic Regulations for the United States Capitol Grounds” prohibit the practice, the agency said.

The regulation states: “It shall be the duty of the Capitol police on and after April 29, 1876, to prevent any portion of the Capitol Grounds and terraces from being used as playgrounds or otherwise, so far as may be necessary to protect the property, turf and grass from destruction of injury.”

Come Thursday and the snow, the kids challenged and defied the sledding ban.

According to reports, Capitol officials have not enforced the no-sledding ban, but instead have distributed fliers with the no sledding rule printed on them.

Norton later thanked Capitol Police for not interfering with the sledding.