HBO host Bill Maher dismissed Hillary Clinton’s e-mails as a “fake” scandal on Friday’s “Real Time.”

Maher began his opening monologue by saying that the past week was “a week of a lot of fake scandals and one real one.”

Later, Maher touted the new jobs report before saying “or as they report on Fox News, ‘Hillary used the wrong e-mail!'” He continued dismissing the story, sarcastically remarking “oh, the humanity, she used her own e-mail address instead of the office one. Ladies and gentlemen, this is a calamity, the likes of which this country has never seen. I’ll never forget where I was when I learned that four brave Americans were cc-ed on the wrong server.”

He did manage to get some shots in at Democrats, stating “people are shocked. Democrats got a website to work?” And “now, Hillary says it was all a big mistake. She said after Bill used the Internet the keyboard keys would stick.” Although, he also made fun of the tech-savvy of Republicans.

He then transitioned to the DOJ’s report on the Ferguson Police Department which he characterized as “the real scandal I was talking about.”

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