Sunday on CNN’s “Reliable Sources,” John Cook, the executive editor for investigations at Gawker Media, said they are “likely” to sue the federal government over their denied  March 2013 Freedom of Information Act request for Hillary Clinton’s emails.

Cook explained in 2013, after emails from Clinton to Sidney Blumenthal, a former aide to President Bill Clinton, leaked, one of his reporters filed a FOIA request that specifically mentioned Clinton’s e-mail address.

Cook said, “This was a deliberate attempt to frustrate the process. Again, not just for good government groups, but also opposition researchers, all sorts of people who troll through emails and other documents, and literally a conspiracy to frustrate that process.”

He added, “I’m not saying criminal conspiracy. Several people got together and concocted a way to avoid the normal due process of the law taking course with respect to the email records Hillary Clinton created.”

Cook said Gawker is “considering suing. I think we’re probably likely to.”

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