Thursday on Newsmax TV’s “The Steve Malzberg Show,”  in discussing the letter 47 senators wrote to the leadership in Iran and the president’s negative reaction, Sen. John Hoeven (R-ND) said “it’s unfortunate” the president does not understand they are demanding to be involved so they can properly represent the view of their constituents that the Untied States should not allow Iran to get an expanded nuclear program that could move them further down the path to a nuclear weapon.

Hoeven was genuinely perplexed by the president’s reaction, meaning  he is “willing to negotiate with the number one sponsor of state terrorism in the world and he won’t work with Congress.”

Hoeven said, “We are making it very clear and essentially a public statement that we are opposed to any agreement with Iran; to any deal that would give them a nuclear weapon and I think that is exactly what Americans want.”

The former governor of North Dakota added, “Frankly the senators signed on to the letter only after President Obama indicated that he would veto the bi-partition legislation we were working to put together that requires he bring any agreement to Congress for a vote.  So it was done because he said ‘No I’m not going to include Congress as part of this very important issue.’ Our point is, Congress needs to be a part of this. Under Article One of the Constitution. Congress has a role to play here. And you have to ask yourself, you know, here he is, so willing to negotiate with the number one sponsor of state terrorism in the world and he won’t work with Congress. I mean why? It doesn’t make any sense.”

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