For Democrats, Hillary Clinton is too big to fail and, according to a New York Times report, should Clinton falter, “the party has no easy way to replace her.”

That is why Democrats are shrugging off questions about her private emails and shady donations to her foundation from repressive Middle Eastern regimes, according to the Times, which also notes that Clinton has “been the prohibitive favorite for the Democratic presidential nomination” for two years, “keeping the party’s strongest alternatives on the sidelines and depriving those who remain of potential donors and staff. Senior Democrats have built a multimillion-dollar political infrastructure to pave the way for her candidacy.”

And Democrats at the state and national levels want to ride the Clinton gravy train:

Congressional Democrats are counting on a strong Clinton campaign to help lift them back into the majority. Party leaders at all levels want her fund-raising help and demographic appeal. And from the top of the party to its grass roots, Mrs. Clinton’s pseudo-incumbency is papering over significant disadvantages: a weak bench, a long-term House minority and a white middle class defecting to the Republican Party faster than the Democrats’ hoped-for demographic future is expected to arrive.

“Anytime you have all your eggs in one basket, it is a concern,” Delaware Gov. Jack Markell of Delaware (D) told the Times. “Although if you’re going to have them all in one, this basket is a good place to be.”

Clinton, who is expected to formally declare her candidacy in April, is dominating in national and state polls. As Breitbart News has noted, Barack Obama is not walking through that door for the anti-Clinton wing of the party in 2016. And potential challengers–like Sens. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), Cory Booker (D-NJ) and Housing and Urban Development Secretary Julian Castro–who could gin up the buzz on the left and cobble together the Obama coalition have all repeatedly said they are not running in 2016.