CNN’s “The Lead” host Jake Tapper said that Hillary Clinton’s defense that she turned over all work-related emails to the State Department and deleted all personal emails was “not quite accurate” on Friday.

“It’s the controversy Hillary Clinton probably wishes she could just send to a spam folder. But today there are even more questions about that private e-mail account she used during her time as Secretary of State. Earlier this week, Clinton said she turned over all work-related emails to the State Department and purged what she considered personal emails. But, that’s not quite accurate. Her office acknowledging that the way they determined, the lawyers, which emails were work-related, was not by reading the emails but by doing searches for names and keywords like ‘Benghazi’ or ‘Libya,’ and then deciding that the remaining 30,000 emails must have been personal and then they were deleted. Not exactly the thorough investigation as initially portrayed” he stated.

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