Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) has subpoenaed the emails of “close to a dozen” people who worked for Hillary Clinton at the State Department, including “aides to aides,” according to a Reuters report.

Gowdy, who chairs he House Benghazi Select Committee, told the outlet on Thursday that, “We sent a subpoena to the State Department for emails from a number of individuals within the State Department, other than Secretary Clinton.”

According to Reuters, “Gowdy said the State Department had asked him not to disclose the names of people whose emails were sought.” He “has said that without the emails, no congressional committee investigating the Benghazi attack could claim to have issued a definitive report.”

Gowdy “said he was not coordinating his probe” with Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA), who has asked the State Department “for information on the emails of Huma Abedin,” Clinton’s top confidante who was her deputy chief of staff at the State Department. Grassley is investigating Abedin’s arrangement with Clinton and the agency that allowed her to do “private sector work while also working for the government.”

A Reuters poll found that majorities of Americans want Clinton to testify about her private email use and think Clinton should turn over her emails to a third-party arbiter. A recent CNN/ORC poll found that a majority of Americans believe Clinton “did something wrong” with her private email account.

Gowdy reportedly “said no decisions had been made in the House of Representatives about when Clinton would be called to testify, either about her email use or about the Benghazi events,” and he “said he wanted all relevant documents before she appears.”