Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel has unexpectedly found himself in the political battle of his life with a whole host of important sectors of the electorate lining up against his re-election. Now, a powerful union has launched a brutal ad slamming the mayor over his record.

The Service International Employees Union (SEIU) debuted its new ad titled “Down Here,” where Rahm’s tenure is characterized as a detriment for the city.

Beginning with a mile-high shot of the Windy City, the narrator says, “From up here, Chicago’s never looked better.” The ad, though, goes on to slam Rahm’s failed record.

“But down here, under Rahm Emmanuel, we’ve seen nearly 10,000 shootings, 50 neighborhood schools shut down, and a mayor who hits working people with higher taxes and fees while giving special tax breaks to his friends at the very top,” the narrator says.

Noting that Rahm is now “falsely attacking” his opponent, the SEIU ends its ad charging, “Because Rahm can’t change his record, we need to change mayors.”

Mayor Emanuel, a former Obama Chief of Staff, was expected to cruise to re-election last month but was surprised by being unable to reach the 50 percent plus needed to be re-elected outright, even in a five-way election.

Since his failed bid to win re-election outright, several important groups and individuals have come out in support of his more populist opponent, Jesus “Chuy” Garcia. Garcia’s new supporters includes Operation Push chief Jesse Jackson and a large contingent of the city’s black ministers.

Mayor Emanuel has been so desperate to regain his office that he’s turned to the city’s Republicans in the hopes that they might help him over the top in the upcoming runoff election.

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