Rep. Steve Israel (D-NY) plans to meet with incoming ATF director Thomas Brandon and talk to him about reviving the AR-15 ammo ban on the M855 round.

Breitbart News previously reported that current ATF director B. Todd Jones tendered his resignation on March 20 in the wake of the AR-15 ammo ban backlash and will be relinquishing his office at the end of the month. At that time, his deputy director, Brandon, will be taking the agency’s reins at that time.

According to The Hill, Israel wants to meet with Brandon to encourage the agency to revive the ban. Israel is convinced Jones handled the ban “sloppily,” which led to the ban being pulled. He “[hopes] under new leadership the ATF can have a more transparent and responsive process” than during the failed ban push.

On the other side of the aisle, Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner (R-Wisc.) says Jones’ departure marks the end of the AR-15 ammo ban. Moreover, he said “the departure of Jones is further proof the ATF should be eliminated.”

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