The panel on Friday’s broadcast of HBO’s “Real Time” criticized Ted Cruz for saying his music tastes from classic rock to country after September 11.

Host Bill Maher, who dismissed Hillary Clinton’s email as a “fake” scandal, said that Cruz’s remarks were him seeing “an opportunity to lie…it’s not important, but maybe it is because it tells something about this guy.” Maher then presented his research on the various fundraiser concerts done by classic rockers after 9/11, and the songs they wrote.

Former Congressman Barney Frank sarcastically added “were they praying? I mean, did they really mean it?”

CNN political commentator and columnist SE Cupp, who earlier said that Cruz, Jeb Bush, and Hillary Clinton would have a problem because “you cannot win an election by alienating half the party anymore,” added “did they mention lift kits, trailer hitches, beers, and getting drunk on plane? I don’t think so.”

Actor Zachary Quinto accused Cruz of pandering, which he said is “a real problem,” a point that Frank agreed with. While Cupp stated that Cruz could “honestly like country music, but it’s also politically pretty smart to say.”

The discussion concluded with Frank arguing that “nobody believes him [Cruz] when he says that.”

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