Editor’s Note: Breitbart News Network’s Editor-in-Chief Alexander Marlow spoke at the dinner hosted in Nashua, New Hampshire, and covered Texas Sen. Ted Cruz’s subsequent speech at the dinner, where the GOP’s first 2016 presidential candidate outlined his “guerrilla strategy” to take the political establishment and mainstream media by storm. The New York Times covers Cruz’s stumping in the nation’s first primary state; we reprint in part here. 

GREENLAND, N.H. — When Senator Ted Cruz declared his candidacy for president, he said a broad coalition of “courageous conservatives” would carry him to the White House. On his first campaign swing through New Hampshire, a two-day trip that ended Saturday, he showed how he hoped to build that coalition.

He spoke of double-barreled shotguns to a crowd packed with Tea Partyers, humble-bragged to young Republicans about an episode of “True Blood” in which vampires feasted on donors at a fictitious Ted Cruz fund-raiser, and shared charming stories of his little girls’ antics to a brunch crowd at a country club here.

Mr. Cruz, a Texas Republican who is the only announced candidate so far, seemed comfortable on the stump. Though not exactly altering his message, he brought out certain aspects of his persona and platform depending on the crowd in front of him.

He elicited raucous cheers, fist pumps and even a few “amens” at a Veterans of Foreign Wars hall in Merrimack when he chided Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. for suggesting that to defend one’s house, people could fire a shotgun in the air. “Very good advice, if it so happens you’re being attacked by a flock of geese,” Mr. Cruz joked. But before the more sedate brunch crowd, there was no tale of shotguns, just a line about defending the Second Amendment. And to the young Republicans, barely any mention of guns at all.

At a dinner on Friday in Nashua that was hosted by the Young America’s Foundation, a conservative group, Mr. Cruz delivered less a speech than marching orders, spelling out for a crowd of people in their teens and 20s how his campaign would need the plugged-in generation to spread his message online.

Read the full story here.